September 26 2010 - Ondoy Anniversary
Today we look back to what happened last year. Our country was caught off guard by the rampage of typhoon
Ondoy. We were advised early on that day that we will be experience a light rain. But those light rain didn't stopped. The situation was worsen by blocked drainage. Did we learned from it? Yes we did. But did we do something to avoid those kind of things to happen again. I do acknowledge that the goverment is doing its part to solve things out. The big part is for the people of our country to make a stand and make a choice that no matter how hard things is, we have to change our ways.Start, to make a difference. A single ticket on our pocket can be accumulated to block a drainage. We saw what happened when we disregard simple things. I just wish that we dont stop on doing simple stuff that greatly affects our surrounding
We don't need the endorsement of celebrities to act. We don't need others to say what's right. If you love you someone. Act for them. We don't need to point fingers on whose to blame. We are all responsible to whatever happen.
We don't need the endorsement of celebrities to act. We don't need others to say what's right. If you love you someone. Act for them. We don't need to point fingers on whose to blame. We are all responsible to whatever happen.