Batch Rename of Files in a Directory
To achieve the task I created two .bat file. The first file will be the main Batch file that will loop through the the file in the directory. For every file that the process will see, it will execute the second batch file. The second batch file will be called by the main batch file for the function of substring and will rename the file.
Main Batch File. I renamed this file as BatchRen.bat
@echo off
for %%x in (%1) do (
call ren2 %%x %2 %3
Second Batch File. I renamed this file as Ren2.bat
@echo off
set x=%1
call set substring=%%x:~%2%%
@echo on
ren %x% %substring%
Executing the batch file. In the command prompt type in
C:/ BatchRen *.csv 6 *****.scv
This is the original files
Execute the command
After the execution the files will be renamed. in this instance we removed the first 5 characters in all csv files.
Main Batch File. I renamed this file as BatchRen.bat
@echo off
for %%x in (%1) do (
call ren2 %%x %2 %3
Second Batch File. I renamed this file as Ren2.bat
@echo off
set x=%1
call set substring=%%x:~%2%%
@echo on
ren %x% %substring%
Executing the batch file. In the command prompt type in
C:/ BatchRen *.csv 6 *****.scv
This is the original files
Execute the command
After the execution the files will be renamed. in this instance we removed the first 5 characters in all csv files.