Import Bulk Active Directory user Accounts using LDF and LDIFDE

     To import an account to an active directory using an ldf file. first create a file using any text editor application. save the file as an ldf file. The basic contents when creating user accounts are as follows.

dn:[ distinguishedName]
changetype: add
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: user
givenName:[Subscribers Name]
initials:[Middle Initial]
displayName: [Display Name]
sAMAccountName: [userlogin]
userPrincipalName: [userlogin]

dn:[ distinguishedName]
changetype: add
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: user
givenName:[Subscribers Name]
initials:[Middle Initial]
displayName: [Display Name]
sAMAccountName: [userlogin]
userPrincipalName: [userlogin]

in command prompt type in:
     LDIFDE -i -f [filename.ldf] -s [domain]

The sample ldf file will create 2 accounts in users organizational unit. Your account must have an administrative rights to execute this process.


Change password using LDF and LDIFDE

Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Inside OutWindows Server 2008 Inside Out


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