Pre-caffeine tech: Your iPad has germs!

Your touch screen device could "harbor 18 times more bacteria than a flush handle in a typical men's restroom."
You think that's nasty? Checkout new info on what Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg really did to his UConnect rivals!
At least Facebook changed it's mind, and again allows users to clear chat historys.
Meanwhile, nobody's touching WikiLeaks -- at least with funding -- after "government blacklisting."
After six months, turns out Apple's iBookstore is pretty unpopular as well.
The National Schools Film Week websiteis officially NSFW!
Twitter won't let a celebrity tracking appall up in its microblogging service.
Micro-celebrity Tila Tequila forfeited her right to privacy when she posted all those sexy pictures of herself online, according to a judge.
Everybody just calm down! Angry Birds is finally available on Android -- for free!
And the Galaxy S Android 2.2 Froyo updates aren't far behind.
Plus, Palm Pre 2 could be coming to Verizon.



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