Prison for the Mind

I've been looking for reasons to live. Reasons for life. Once in a while I find myself in a corner thinking what life is. If there is no material around me that will give reasons, then how will my life would turn out to be. Closing my eyes thinking if I don't have eyesight will I stop craving for things that are arouse by sight. Thinking about material things that everyone are reasoning out that if they have this things, it will make them happy. Luxurious items jewelries, are they really important. Will it really make me happy. Basing from this, then being happy is something someone imposes that you should be happy. At the course of time someone made reasons that having a particular jewel or a particular item made oneself happy. If I am at the opposite side of the world.

I've always been making meaning to everything around me.... everything that happens... in my point of view.


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