Naruto Looking back

Looking back Naruto's childhood. Damn he did come a long way. Being alone during his early days. Not having a mother and a father to look after him. Who would have thought that he will still grow up as a great Ninja. Kishimoto really did a great job in building up the character of this Manga. Well a lot of people have favorite character in this Manga. Some people also suggests that the main character must not be the Naruto. I say what the hell. The title of the manga is naruto and yet they insist on saying otherwise. Well I can't make other people wrong but I just have that opinion. But what other character do in this manga do what they should be doing (should i say in what kishimoto wants them to do).
Now this manga have taken a big step. Showing lots of guts and power up. We are expecting lots of comments, ideas, point of views. That what makes this "Naruto" the manga more and more unpredictable...


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