
Showing posts from 2011

Inotia 3 (Children of Carnia)

Angry Birds Theme on Windows 7

Google Apps Cloud Computing

In-House or Outsource Software

Google Adsense On Hold

Visual Studio (2005 2008 2010) Themes

Choosing the right PC

Cut the Rope Free

ClearType in Windows 7 for Better Screen Readability

DPWH 165-02 hotline

Forced evacuation on Residents of Marikina underway

What is Blog

RSS Feed for Blogger

Falcon Still affecting Philippines

Formatting the result of Gridview to Excel

ASP.Net Gridview to Excel

Japan crawling tsunami (3/11/2011)

Japan consecutive earthquakes

Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" and "Latin1_General_CI_AS" in the equal to operation.

OLE DB provider 'SQLNCLI' for linked server '' returned data that does not match expected data length for column '[server].[database].[dbo].[view]'. The (maximum) expected data length is <number>, while the returned data length is <number>.